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Fundamental Journal of Modern Physics

ISSN: 2249-9768
Volume 3, Issue 2, 2012, Pages 91-155


Theory of welding of metallic parts in microwave cavity applicator
Author(s): Shantanu Das, Amit Bansal and Apurba Kumar Sharma
Pages: 125-155
We have been successfully welding bulk metals and dissimilar metals by microwave radiation, by using metal powder particles in the weld zone. In this paper, we have tried to explain the insight of electromagnetic field penetration into spherical conductive powder particles and its spatial oscillatory distribution. This new developed theoretical explanation here, gives insight as to how the entire weld zone volume becomes heat source; via absorption of microwave radiation, and thus this process of welding with microwave radiation, is with inertia less heat transfer, volumetric heating with inverted temperature profile.

Keywords and phrases

skin depth, spherical harmonics, scattering, refractive index, Effective Medium Approximation (EMA), Mie solutions, metal powder, resonance cavity, wave length.


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