Taming of divergences in a unitary model of massive tensors, vectors, scalars and spinors
Author(s): E. Mendels Pages: 1-22 Received: December 27, 2010
We consider a unitary model of a massive tensor and vector field interacting with scalars and spinors. It is shown that the scattering matrix - not each Feynman diagram apart - can be made finite by appropriate relations of the coupling constants, order by order in perturbation.
Keywords and phrases
Feynman diagrams, renormalization, taming of divergences, tensor fields.
About the corresponding author
The author did his Ph.D. Research in the field of High Energy Physics at the Institute of Theoretical Physics of the University of Amsterdam under the guidance of Professor S. A. Wouthuysen. After finishing his graduate studies in 1972, he started a second carrier as a dentist, while continuing his interest in relativistic quantum field theory. At first, he worked out a formalism to describe and compute Feynman diagrams by means of integrals over products of Hankel functions. Thereafter, he applied this formalism to tame the divergences of a massive vector field and recently, he extended his approach towards massive spin-2 fields.