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Fundamental Journal of Mathematical Physics

ISSN: 2249-9776
Volume 1, Issue 2, 2011, Pages 53-98
Simulation of muonic catalyzed fusion using the Monte-Carlo method
Author(s): Alireza Heidari, Seyedali Vedad, O. Anwar Bég and Mohammadali Ghorbani
Pages: 69-98
Received: December 31, 2011
The µCF (muonic catalyzed fusion) cycle is investigated using Monte-Carlo simulation. This simulation starts when a muon enters the deuterium-tritium mixture. We use the cross-sections of the processes which arise in the µCF cycle, which is the same process as that which the muonic atoms experience in their frequent collisions. To simulate the dynamic process, a numerical code based on Monte-Carlo simulation has been developed. This code also features a time parameter in order to enable computation of the time spectrum for different events, which occur when the µCF cycle is reached. Additonally the time spectrum for neutrons resulting from fusion is evaluated. Furthermore, the energy spectrum of the muonic atoms is calculated at different times and these results are depicted graphically. It is feasible to determine the fusion yield (), the cycle rate (λC), and, also, the total sticking coefficient (W) in different hydrogen isotopic concentration conditions using the Monte-Carlo computations. To validate the present computations, results are compared with alternative computational methods and also experimental data.

Keywords and phrases

fusion neutrons, time spectrum, muonic atoms, energy spectrum, muonic catalyzed fusion, Monte-Carlo simulation, quantum engineering, fusion yield, cycle rate, total sticking coefficient.


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